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First Friday Series at Moore Square: “Coco”

Moore Square 201 S. Blount Street, Raleigh

Take a blanket or a chair and meet your friends at Moore Square each First Friday for a free feature film. Attendees will enjoy pre-show entertainment on theme with each.

First Friday Series at Moore Square: “Home Alone”

Moore Square 201 S. Blount Street, Raleigh

Take a blanket or a chair and meet your friends at Moore Square each First Friday for a free feature film. Attendees will enjoy pre-show entertainment on theme with each.

Evening with Elves at Marbles Kids Museum

Marbles Kids Museum 201 E. Hargett St., Raleigh

Jingle, joy, twinkle & twilight... our family holiday celebration is a delight! Immerse yourself into the magic of the holiday season with s'mores outdoors, arctic museum play, and a special.