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Playground Pop-Ups

Lake Wheeler Park Magnolia Shelter 6404 Lake Wheeler Road, Raleigh

Back by popular demand, local historian Carmen Wimberly Cauthen will tell a story of a people who, despite slavery, wanted to learn, grow, and be treated as any others. Sponsored.

Bands at Brookside Bodega: J.A.K. Acoustic Covers

Brookside Bodega 1000 Brookside Drive, Suite 119, Raleigh

Musicians perform on the patio from 5-8 p.m. every Tuesday. Bring the family, enjoy some tasty bites and cold drafts, and support local artists.

Ziggy Marley Performs at Carolina Theatre of Durham

Carolina Theatre of Durham 309 W. Morgan Street, Durham

Ziggy Marley is an eight-time Grammy winner, Emmy winner, musician, producer, activist, and humanitarian who has cultivated a legendary career for close to 40 years. The eldest son of Bob.